This is documentation for v10, which is no longer actively maintained.
For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Union Type

The union type represents a set of object types. This means that by using a union as a field type we can say that the returned object will be one of the object types specified in the union types set.

The union is represented like the following in the GraphQL SDL syntax.

union FooBarBaz = Foo | Bar | Baz

In contrast to an interface the types do not have to share a set of fields. In order to query fields on a union we always need to use a fragment.

query {
field {
... on Foo {
... on Bar {
... on Baz {

In order to specify a union type we can use the GraphQL SDL syntax or we can use the union schema type class. Since there is no union type in C# we cannot infer a union type from a POCO type.

public class FooBarBaz
: UnionType
protected override void Configure(IUnionTypeDescriptor descriptor)

In order to make this more convenient and infer if an object type belongs to a union type set we baked in support for marker interfaces.

public interface IFooBarBaz { }
public class FooBarBaz
: UnionType<IFooBarBaz>

In this case the set is inferred from the types in the schema.

The individual ObjectType types that participate in the union can have a custom logic defined to indicate whether or not the resolved type is a specific type. To implement this, use the descriptor.IsOfType() logic explained here